The Fontonola and Fontomatic were sound objects/ machines that where commissioned by The Plus International Design Expo, Birmingham. Plus was a design and typographic festival and symposium of pioneering and innovative work in the field.
Other contributors to the festival included: Jonathan Barnbrook, Designers Republic, Airside, Si Scott, Jasper Goodall and Michael Wolff.
The Fontonola was a sound object piece that operated within a Typographic and Graphic Design context and as such it expanded the arena and discussion around the areas of Typography and graphic design.
The Fontonola used projected typography as the triggering ‘stimulus’ for a midi controlled set of instruments/sound loops. The work questioned ideas of performer control in relation to a devised instrument, chance and improvised performance.
The work drew upon Andrew Spackman’s broad background/training in graphic design, aircraft avionics and experimental music and proved a unique ‘hybrid’ of these skills and approaches. The Fontonola was reviewed in an article in the highly regarded Graphic Design magazine, Creative review in June 2008.