Sad Stories - CD and Book - Released 4th March
Stranger than fiction - SAD MAN’s latest release is also a book. 10 short stories written by 10 music writers, artists and journalists who each responded to tracks from the latest album, “Sad Stories”.
Each story has a different take on the central character of SAD MAN and a fresh narrative interpretation of the music from the album. “ I thought, I’m going around with this moniker of SAD MAN and I’d never even considered who or what he might be. But rather than me imposing that on him, I thought I’d ask others to create their own interpretations”.
Writers in the book include Gordon Rutherford - Louder than War, Mat Smith - Electronic Sound Magazine, James Thornhill - Bloop Magazine, Shane Woolman - Wire Magazine, Bobby Grant - Iniquitous Glory, Andy Wood - TQ Zine, Spenser Thompson - Front and Follow, Francisco j Dominguez - Forest Robots, Francis Lowe - Stories from an Island, Paul Gardner - Afro Samurai, Crash Bandicoot, Carbon Grey.